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What is Endospheres?

Endospheres Therapy uses a patented technology called Compression Microvibration, which uses low frequency vibrations through 55 rotating spheres.

Endospheres delivers low-frequency vibrations between 39 & 355 Hz. It stimulates a pulsed rhythmic action on the skin and tissue that reduces cellulite, helps support lymphatic drainage, and helps improve muscle tone by stimulating the muscles with vibration.


This acts on improving cellulite, mucle toning, skin laxity, lymphatic stasis, excess fibrosis tissue, toxin/fluid retention, pain, signs of aging, and athletic recovery.

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How does Endospheres work?

Endospheres therapy works to restore skin structure and reduce cellulite. Aesthetic pathologies like cellulite are an indication that a person's skin structure has been altered from the natural aesthetic shape (smoothness) that would have otherwise been maintained from homeostasis (balance in the tissues of the body). Endospheres works to restore skin structure first by eliminating trapped toxins from the tissues (a major culprit in causing imbalances in the tissues of the body) and then by restoring the skin structure via the physical action of Compression Microvibration which works to break up fibrosis aggregates (another contributor to the visual appearance of cellulite).

Endospheres therapy is also a particularly powerful lymphatic drainage modality. Endospheres therapy works by applying Compression Microvibration to the legs, gluteous, and abdomen. These low frequency vibrations are achieved by the cylinder within the handpiece which contains 55 rotating silicone spheres. The cylinder rotates at a given frequency (or speed). This plus the staggered arrangement of the spheres create Microvibration while the weight of the handpiece and the pressure applied by the technician creates the Compression.

Endospheres therapy achieve lymphatic drainage via this Compression and Microvibration which works to move trapped fluids and toxins towards the nearest lymphatic duct where they can then be cycled out of the body via the lymphatic system.

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