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What is Endospheres?

How does it work?

Endospheres works on improving cellulite, mucle toning, skin laxity, lymphatic stasis, excess fibrosis tissue, toxin/fluid retention, pain, signs of aging, and athletic recovery.

The session works by using a roller device made up of 55 silicone spheres, the treatment generates low-frequency mechanical vibrations as it's "rolled" over the body.

Non-invasive technology that works to restore skin cells and reduce cellulite.

Endospheres Therapy treats the root cause of the issue, not just the symptom.

The main applications for Endospheres Therapy are the treatment of: cellulite, muscle toning, collagen and elastin production, lymphatic stasis, excess fibrous tissue, toxin/fluid retention, pain, signs of aging, and athletic recovery.

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