Non-invasive technology that works to restore skin cells and reduce cellulite.
Endospheres Therapy treats the root cause of the issue, not just the symptom.
​The main applications for Endospheres Therapy are the treatment of: cellulite, muscle toning, collagen and elastin production, lymphatic stasis, excess fibrous tissue, toxin/fluid retention, pain, signs of aging, and athletic recovery.

What is Endospheres?
Endospheres Therapy is based on the transmission of low-frequency vibrations by a special handpiece containing a cylinder made of 55 hypoallergenic silicon spheres in a specific honeycomb arrangement.
This mechanism is called compressive microvibration.
The Endospheres Therapy method has been enriched with the sensor system, a pressure-controlled mechanism, which allows it to accurately access the amount of pressure applied in relation to the type of tissue and the number of sessions already completed.
Endospheres Therapy uses a patented technology called Compression Microvibration, which uses low frequency vibrations through 55 rotating spheres. Endospheres delivers low-frequency vibrations between 39 & 355 Hz. It stimulates a pulsed rhythmic action on the skin and tissue that reduces cellulite, helps support lymphatic drainage, and helps improve muscle tone by stimulating the muscles with vibration.

This acts on improving cellulite, mucle toning, skin laxity, lymphatic stasis, excess fibrosis tissue, toxin/fluid retention, pain, signs of aging, and athletic recovery.

How does Endospheres work?
Endospheres Therapy is a safe and painless technology that replaces suction and traction with a noninvasive technology.
The rotation of the spheres at a given frequency produces micro-vibration (small vibrations in the tissues). While the weight of the handpiece plus the pressure applied by the technician govern compression.
The honeycomb arrangement allows for a rapid alteration between pressure and lifting which generates a wave of localized vibration on the tissue.

Endospheres therapy works to restore skin structure and reduce cellulite. Aesthetic pathologies like cellulite indicate that a person's skin structure has been altered from the natural aesthetic shape (smoothness) that would have otherwise been maintained from homeostasis (balance in the tissues of the body).
Endospheres works to restore skin structure first by eliminating trapped toxins from the tissues (a primary culprit in causing imbalances in the tissues of the body) and then by restoring the skin structure via the physical action of Compression Microvibration which works to break up fibrosis aggregates (another contributor to the visual appearance of cellulite).
Combining Neveskin & Endospheres
Endospheres Therapy does not directly eliminate fat. Likewise, Cryoskin / Neveskin does not boost lymphatic action.
Cryoskin / Neveskin Shape pairs exceptionally well with Endospheres Therapy to reduce fat. While Shape works to eliminate fat, Endospheres Therapy boots lymphatic action to aid in the disposal of fat debris. It's recommended to wait 1 week (minimum 72 hours) after Shape to incorporate an Endospheres Therapy session.
Cryoskin / Neveskin Tone and Endospheres therapy pair well together to reduce fat. Tone uses cold (from the wand) and heat (from the technician's hand) to minimize the appearance of cellulite by boosting collagen and elastin production. Integrating Endospheres Therapy will achieve more long-lasting cellulite reduction benefits. This happens because Endospheres works on eliminating the causes of cellulite (i.e. toxin stagnation, imbalances in the tissues, fibrousness). It's recommended to wait for a minimum of 48 hours between Tone and Endospheres.