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About Me

Owner: Brenna Poe
Cryoskin Certified
Master of Science Kinesiology Emphasis Exercise Science & Nutrition

Hello! I am Brenna Poe and this is my husband Shane Poe. We married in August  2011 and we have 2 sons, Triston, our oldest, and Trayce, our middle, and 1 daughter, Maysa, our youngest.  We live on a family farm where we raise row crops and cattle. Additionally, Shane and I established our construction company in  2009, Shane Poe Construction LLC., which is still going strong. Before all this craziness began, I received my Master of Science degree in Kinesiology, with an emphasis in Exercise Science & Nutrition in 2009, from Western Illinois University.  Following college, I had the honor of working in various health and fitness settings, including cardiac rehab phase II, corporate wellness, and college recreation. These amazing experiences led me to open my own wellness business, Studio of Active Wellness, LLC., where I could help people reach their health, fitness, and nutrition goals. Because life is so hectic for everyone, I help people in the pockets of life! My goal is to make balanced living, realistic, achievable, and enjoyable for my clients!

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Indigo Roots Co.

Bloomfield, IOWA

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